Saturday, July 14, 2012

Yard Sales!

The only thing that gets me out of bed on a Saturday morning is the idea of finding treasures at Yard Sales. The night before I make my "plan" which involves the newspaper, Craig's List, and Google Maps. I make sure I am loaded up on change and off I go! 

$20.00 is my limit, unless I find something spectacular (can you say a bargain piano, because I'd totally buy one at a yard sale) and it is so much fun to go!!

Today I found great "treasures" ... some require a little TLC, but others are fantastic! What do you like to buy at Yard Sales?

Set of Four Plates and Matching Mugs, they are like a bridge set with the little groove for the cup to sit in. I am thinking Hot Cocoa and Cookies would be great in this set. Plus, the yellow would be so cheerful on a winter's day!
Yard Sale Bargin $4.00

Close up of the pattern!

12 Records, Christmas, Ballet Music, Classical, and Broadway Shows
Yard Sale Bargin $1.00 for all!

Awesome nesting tin set. Crazy '70s colors. They need a little cleaning. The Big one is about 12 inches tall, and the smaller one is about 10 inches tall.
Yard Sale Bargin $0.10 for both!

Such a pretty piece, I was a little nervous to buy it because of the "staining" on it. The edges are unfinished so I could do almost anything with it. I'm thinking a huge pillow for the bench I'm making (more on this later, I promise)
Yard Sale Bargin $1.00

Update: All the stains came out with a little Woolite in the sink!

This is totally in tatters, but it is HUGE! It would easily fit a twin bed as a coverlet or a massive dining table. I am going to ask my grandma if she could do some repair work and then I'm going to dye it - probably bright pink because it just screams that is the color is was born to be.
Yard Sale Bargin $1.00 

This bowl is so pretty and large enough to serve salad in. It has a pretty silver edge and the colors aren't lying here, it is a pastel pink with navy blue flowers. So pretty and unique.
Yard Sale Bargin $1.00
(ignore the $2 sticker, I'm great at bargaining with people)

All of these little plates were such a bargain! I got them all (and the tea cup) at one Yard Sale. I'm not sure if I'm going to gift them with some pretty soaps or use them for appetizers, but they were too adorable to pass up!
Yard Sale Bargain: $0.30 (that was $0.05 each!)

These are my favorites, I'll pretend they are a set :)

Why hello pretty teacup! 
Yard Sale Bargain: $0.05!

This chair was a steal! It has been painted, looks like it was originally green because there is a little chipping around the edge and on the seat. It is fiberglass and was at a sale unmarked. I hate asking for a price because once someone knows you are interested, the price seems to go WAY up. However, this one was meant to be :)
Yard Sale Bargain: $5.00

I LOVE purple glass! It is usually so expensive, but the girl didn't know what she had I guess. The lady at the sale laughed at the $0.25 price sticker and just gave it to me. She agreed that the seller didn't do any research. Don't know what I'll do with it, but it'll look pretty in the bathroom until I decide.

Yard Sale Total: $12.90
Plus Coffee at Looney Bean: $ 5.15
Grand Total: 18.05

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