Saturday, July 21, 2012

Rusty Cheese Graters

So, repurposing is my favorite hobby right now. It is so much fun to give something a new life. Take this rusted cheese grater for example. No one would have ever used it for food again (unless they like taking their lives in their hands), but it still have some years left in it :) That is where I came in ... well, myself and a can of spray paint!!

I started with a $0.25 cheese grater that had seen better days. 

My only other supplies were some spray paint and sandpaper left over from my chair project.

After some light sanding and two coats of spray paint, this little lovely came out to play!

My plan is to start a collection and use them as candle covers outside. How brilliant will they be!!

The whole project only cost $0.25 because the supplies were all leftovers. Talk about a bargain!


  1. Candle covers! Look at you, brilliant girl~! :)

    1. You're too sweet! It really comes back to the fact that I really like buying junk at yard sales :)
