Saturday, August 18, 2012

House Tutorials I'm Looking Forward To

Since I expect to be moving soon (that is the point of job hunting, yes?), I've been all over pinterest and the internet looking for great tutorials for excellent home ideas. Here are the ones I look forward to trying the most in my next rental/home (that's right, I might actually be a home owner, but that may be more fantasy than reality as this point in time). 

One thing I've learned, the window coverings in a rental are ALWAYS terrible. Oh, side note, they are always expensive too!

I have two super plain bookcases that this will be great for! How brilliant to cover cardboard and put it inside ... I've tried to do paper and fabric and it is SO HARD.

I love artwork and anything giant. I would make this on an extreme size (maybe just with thumbtacks right on the wall)! I'm thinking that either over my couch or on a big wall, if I have one. The possibilities are really endless with this!! I could even spell something out like this

Every rental (read: Every, not most, every) has an ugly appliance. What a great way to fabulize them!!

I'm totally a painter (I know, it is a rental, but really, who cares? I have to live there!) and these pink doors totally speak to my heart!

Speaking of paint, I love the color of this bathroom, plus the myriad of things on the walls make it perfect!!

And more paint ... my house WILL have a chalkboard wall in the kitchen ... it is a necessity!

This wall is brilliant and I love it ... it makes me so excited to move I can hardly stand it!

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