Tuesday, August 7, 2012

One of those nights

Not that anything particularly stressful happened today, but it was one of those nights when I was just craving sweets. Since I've been trying not to buy junk food (I've heard it is bad for you ... plus I am trying not to spend money frivolously), it was up to me to make something delicious.

I had run across a Pin on Pinterest today for Egg Free Cookie Dough. The recipe was made for preggo girls (I totally didn't know they couldn't have cookie dough, but I guess it make sense) and even though I'm definitely not preggo, it sounded GOOD. 

It didn't make a ton, which is really excellent because I would have to eat it :(

Here is the recipe as I made it

3/4 cup Brown Sugar
1/4 cup butter (REALLY soft, you are hand mixing it)
1/4 teaspoon vanilla (I eyed it)
1/4 cup milk (I left about a tablespoon out because it looked too runny, I'm glad I did)
1 cup Flour
Pinch of Salt (I love when you don't have to measure)
1/2 Chocolate Chips (or more, more is good)

Then you are supposed to refrigerate, but who wants to wait? Cookie Dough with eggs is better, but this is still pretty great! It was a home run in satisfying my sweet tooth :)

Update: It is WAY better after spending some time in the fridge. Next time I might do a little less sugar and a little more flour to help with how sweet it is.

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